Lexi Franklin

Lexi Franklin

Lexi Franklin

Thesis advisor: Humsa Venkatesh
Rotation lab(s): Aleena Garner, Chris Harvey, Humsa Venkatesh
For me, home is: Orange County, California
Undergraduate degree(s): BS Cognitive Science with Neuroscience Specialization
Research experience before PiN: I studied visual thalamocortical circuits in the Callaway Lab at the Salk Insitute and prediction error circuits within the visual cortex in the Hofer lab at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.
Current research interests: I remain interested in cortical circuits, but more specifically concerning memory and long term storage.
Interests outside lab / favorite hangouts: Outside of the lab I love to travel so I'm excited to explore the East Coast. I also love to read, go to music festivals, and find new restaurants.


Entry year